Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sales are up!

Okay, so someone told me "people do read the blog" and while I doubt it highly, Francine I'm going to keep doing this for you.

So what's exciting? For one, mortgage rates are stupid-low right now (not a technical term, but I am quoting). I am seeing owner occupants lock in the four's! Investors in the mid six's!! I am going to make a brass yet sincere statement: If you are in real estate and not buying right now, you are crazy. If you are not in real estate you should be.

And it looks as if people are getting the message. Numbers for February show a modest increase in national home sales for the first time in ages; I like where this is headed. Give me a call to talk about the market in general and where the opportunities are.

1 comment:

maineviews said...

Thanks Chris! I wonder if linking to the facebook site would generate more hits? (e.g captivating tag line w/ a link to sullivan site)
Recently there have been a few articles of interest highlighting portland (e.g. washington post had a positive article on munjoy hill..and of course forbes ranked portland #1 most liveable city)
Keep "writing it and they will come..."