Monday, April 13, 2009

Munjoy Hill in the National Spotlight

Francine was kind enough to bring this article from the Washington Post to my attention. It reveals to those who have yet to be acquainted with our beloved city the renewed east end. Some good coverage and great plugs for local businesses mentioned by name!

More bright spots on the horizon...

Here is a link to a story which appeared in yesterday's Maine Sunday Telegram. The title, "In the Housing Market: Signs of a Thaw" is yet another positive story for us all to rally behind. Recovery is all about momentum people, so keep the good news coming. And speaking of the horizon (this enty's title) , U2's latest album "No Line On the Horizon" is a stroke of genius!! Enjoy...

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sales are up!

Okay, so someone told me "people do read the blog" and while I doubt it highly, Francine I'm going to keep doing this for you.

So what's exciting? For one, mortgage rates are stupid-low right now (not a technical term, but I am quoting). I am seeing owner occupants lock in the four's! Investors in the mid six's!! I am going to make a brass yet sincere statement: If you are in real estate and not buying right now, you are crazy. If you are not in real estate you should be.

And it looks as if people are getting the message. Numbers for February show a modest increase in national home sales for the first time in ages; I like where this is headed. Give me a call to talk about the market in general and where the opportunities are.